Keywords: Adventure, Air, Autumn, Beat, Beautiful, Beauty, Bold, Clouds, Conquest, Courage, Dance, Direct, Electronic, Energetic, Energy, Ethereal, Groove, Happy, Hopeful, Lift, Love, Majestic, Majesty, Memories, Montage, Soaking, Soar, Soaring, Upbeat, Victory, Worship
Story: This song shows how intuitive and easy the Reason recording software is. I produced this in the first hour after I first opened the package. I was happy for the Reason software, and my giddiness was justified when I discovered these sounds. It is heavy on compression because I was just figuring out all of that on the fly, but I dig the groove. I hope that you do, too.
Rob Reed – Happy For A Reason [Download]
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nice and light and airy joyful…